International Journal of Science and Social Science Research
Vol 2 No 1

System approach to sustainable development
1. Prof. R.D. Singh
2. Dr. C.S. Armo
1. Professor and Head (Retd) Dept. of Regional Planning and Economic Growth, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, M.P., India
2. Assistant Professor Dept. of Regional Planning and Economic Growth, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, M.P., India
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Year: April-June 2024| Volume:2| Issue:1| Page No: 17-20
Abstract—The impending dangers of climate change and terrorism has resulted due to use of materialistic development with use of scientific and technological innovations with use of colonialism and market forces to colonise the traditional resource regions. The recent researches of ecological sciences have focused on lifecycle degradation and extinction of species and human lifecycle degradation resulting in poverty, unemployment and insecurity. This has all resulted due to use of physical sciences and mechanistic development and neglect of social sciences including political sciences and history of places and regions. The Governments world over have been using colonial and feudal relations and didn’t devise ways and means for inter-generational sustainable development path.
The materialistic development with feudal and colonial control over resource has created system imbalances creating imbalances, inequalities, poverty and deprivation within societies, economy and environment at location and regions. The life sustaining development would require balancing the international, regional and local system in geographical natural and human landscapes world over against the maximization of wealth and power to sustainable development and use of brute military powers.
The stop and go determinism needs to focus on deterministic development based on human life and nature in open spatial framework. The concerns of resource conservation and development are useful but equally important to balance ecologic pyramid with increasing pressures of population on environment and lifecycle. The system approach recognizes the subsystem physical, biological, social, economic, political, historical and cultural subsystem in inter-civilisational considerations and collective decisions to sustainable development in exchanges and flows of resources, people and capital in global, inter-regional, intra-regional and relations. The much more focus needs to made to social and historical sciences to reverse the trend of physical materialistic to life sustaining growth.
The system approach in programming framework need to focus balancing development linkages from grass root level upward and spatial continuum in regional and global cooperation and policies of development needs to evolve regenerative growth in context to sustainable development of life keeping in view the perspective, structural and strategic planning.
The efforts are being made to sustainable development. The Governments have not implemented the approach to organismic development in geographic landscape as suggested by Patrick Geddes to create order, aesthetics and convenience between organisms (people), function (activities) and space (environment). Likewise, economic base theory developed by geographers and Tinbergen was not adopted in India. The concept of new economic geography developed by Krugman and social development (Stiglitz) hindering globalization in developing countries need also to focus on planning strategies.
Indian culture has been open system to the world and resulted in colonization. A strong defense of the border also requires social and economic and environmental safety mechanism for healthy growth.
The Government of India has identified temporal (historical), perspective of culture and monitoring to sustainable development programmes with concerns of infrastructural and social welfare strategies in programming framework. But, it needs to develop its economy as adopted by Japan after IInd World war through cultural conscietation for social and economic development and Scandevian Countries based upon grass root organismic development.
Sustainable development reform and development policies have been initiated in India as social welfare and infrastructural development programmes. But, the market forces and governances need to the monitored and evaluated in national transformation of India programme. This is possible only through in traditional cultural contexts. The researches have indicated that products are getting linked to global market there is serious problem of unemployment and access to income. This can only be achieved through local and regional level planning in geographic framework.
Keywords—Sustainability, sustainable development, regional development, green economy