Abstract—Assam is an agrarian state producing various types of crops including horticultural crops. The horticultural sector of Assam produces various types of fruits, vegetables, plantation crops, aromatic plants, medicinal plants etc. The wide variety of climate and soil in Assam is suitable for horticultural production. Horticultural crops are now having commercial importance particularly fruits. Assam produces variety of fruits such as orange, guava, pineapple, jackfruit, papaya, citrus fruits, banana etc. which account for bulk of fruit production. Horticultural crops has many benefits as it provides more employment than other sectors, stimulates local economy, produces raw material for other sector, eco friendly etc. Though horticulture in Assam has many benefits, it is facing many challenges which need to be solved.
Through this paper I tried to show the present scenario of horticulture in Assam, the challenges faced by the horticulture in Assam and to give some remedial measures to challenges faced by the horticultural sector in Assam.