Abstract— This research aims to investigate the effects of partially replacing traditional coarse aggregate with granite in concrete mixes. The study will explore the influence of varying replacement percentages on concrete properties, including compressive strength, flexural strength, durability, and workability. In developing, countries where concrete is widely used, the high and steadily increasing cost of concrete has made construction very expensive. This coupled with deleterious effect of concrete production on the environment has led to s tudes on various materials which could be used as partial replacement for coarse aggregate. This project is experimented to reduce the cost of concrete. The only way to reduce and tackle these problems is reuse and recycles.
The water cement ratio is maintained for this mix design is 0.45. The granite wastes were properly cut do wn to the size of coarse aggregate and then they were mixed with the concrete in 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%,80%. Cubes were casted with these concrete mixes and subjected to curing of 7 days, 28 days and their strength i s determined. The determined compressive strength was compared with the conventional concrete cube’s strength. Of the above percentage mixes, the perfect percentage mix of granite with coarse aggregate is found and can be brought to use.