Abstract—R.K Narayan, a renowned Indian novelist graced Indian literature with many novels and short stories. His masterpiece The Guide (1958) portrays various natural aspects through characters like Raju, Rosie, Marco and place like Malgudi. The novel focuses on the unconcerned issues like destruction of the nature and environment brought on by people’s inhuman activities.
This article is a study of eco-critical dimensions of RK Narayan’s novel The Guide. Through the green lens this paper explores how the novelist employs natural environment, its surrounding not merely as background but as an inseparable part of the narrative to influence the readers as well as the characters of the novel. As usual like all the novels, The Guide also set in the fictional town of Malgudi. Narayan very carefully connects the human experiences with the natural world, especially through Raju, the protagonist of the novel. His journey from a tourist guide to spiritual guide constitutes the plot of the novel.
This article explores the spiritual kinship between Raju and the natural world he roams around. Narayan shapes the identity of Raju through the scenes and symbols like river, railway track, drought, the temple. The novelist uses natural elements as objective correlative to reflect the broader themes of salvation, redemption, spirituality etc.
The critique explores the river’s symbolic presence in the lives of Malgudi. It represents the collective consciousness and ecological well-being. Through this ecocritical perspective Narayan portrays the human’s inhuman actions to destroys nature in the name of civilization.
The paper demonstrates everything from the ecocritical framework to illuminate the readers as well as the critics to consider the environmental discourses with high seriousness. It emphasizes the role of literature in restoring the ecological consciousness for a harmonious coexistence with the natural world.
This research paper aims to evaluate the novel The Guide from an ecocritical perspective. It is to done to show how ecocentrism replace the role of anthropocentrism.